
Monday, July 1, 2019


Occasionally it can be as simple as an unexpected experience or some singular event, but no matter what the catalyst the emotive outcome is inevitably an appreciative state of being...and, quite unexpectedly the Bazflyer’s New York experience was uniquely such a catalyst. 

‘Liberty’ is not a big word but the depth and breath of what this seven letter word stands for has significantly profound proportions. There are no conventional measures for social, political and economic freedoms.

It is rather difficult to spend a few days in New York without seeing, even from a distance, the imposing and hugely symbolic Statue of Liberty. Least we forget, as the world entered the 1900’s Europe was in turmoil. Vast populations were without work, people were on the move, starvation was an everyday scene. 

Made entirely possible at the time by ocean going steamships, many millions of people vacated Europe in the space of little more than a decade, all seeking better lives in countries such as, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. Reasons for leaving behind their lands of birth differed little from their predecessors. Escaping religious, racial, and political persecution, or seeking relief from a lack of economic opportunity and famine were top of the lists. They were all looking for “liberty” and they found her.

Of course the Bazflyers took the ferry from Battery Park over the Hudson River to symbolically stand under the Statue of Liberty. But it wasn’t until they made a pilgrimage to the National Museum of Immigration on nearby Ellis Island that a profound and appreciative feeling of “Liberty” kicked in. Perhaps it was trying to sense the emotions of a new immigrant, man, woman or child, having endured a hellish journey from their birth village in Europe and as the ship they were on entered New York harbour their tired eyes looked up to see the Grand Lady Liberty. An uplifting symbol of the new life and opportunity that lay ahead. To put all that in a single was “Liberty”.

Today in New York was there was a parade of LGBTQ and other folk through the city’s streets. It was to celebrate World Pride and 50 years since Stonewall. Liberty was on full display but the Bazflyers couldn’t help wonder how many of the hundreds of thousands of people, spectators and participants, gave any credence to their immigrant forefathers and mothers for today’s democratic platform of “Liberty” without which this colourful event may not have been possible.

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and, under a just God, cannot long retain it."--Abraham Lincoln

Statue of Liberty

On the Hudson River with New York City in the background

National Museum of Immigration on Ellis Island

Once an elevated railway corridor the NYC Skyline is nowadays a liberating walkway garden maintained by volunteers

The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.

Colourful liberty

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